Darren Mensah with his dog Tugs Picture Ref: 76992-15HE was a man who showed off his wealth to the hilt.

And he would often be seen holding court in Swindon's clubs.

This is Darren Mensah who is now awaiting sentencing after police smashed his criminal drug dealing empire which saw him spreading heroin and crack cocaine through Swindon, Wootton Bassett, and Purton.

The officers who brought him and his gang to justice yesterday revealed the extent of the 28-year-old's criminal lifestyle.

In a press conference held in Melksham, the extent of his ill-gotten gains was revealed giving an insight into a man who the police describe as manipulative and a shrewd businessman.

On display were hundreds of shoes with brand names such as Prada and Gucci.

There was also his selection of luxury clothes from a £700 Versace coat to an £800 Burberry jacket.

Police also showed off the huge amounts of drugs seized from Mensah's gang as well as £7,000 cash.

In photographs taken of Mensah before being seized by police, the drugs baron could be seen posing next to the many luxury cars he hired including Porsches, BMWs and Mercedes.

Mensah, who lived in New Road, Wootton Bassett, at the time of the offences, along with six other members of his gang from lieutenants to couriers is due to be sentenced at Southampton Crown Court on May 10 for different drug offences.

Investigating officer Det Sgt Craig Holden said: "He definitely lived the lifestyle and really flaunted his money. He also liked to give people an image that he was a man of mystery and had several aliases. He even gave his pedigree American Bull Terrier called Tugs an alias Chaos.

"If he had gone into legitimate business he has so much drive and intelligence that he would have made lots of money instead he went for the fast buck.

"He was a manipulative man, who would remain calm, but also had a huge propensity for violence."

Mensah's mother Barbara Esandol, 54, found guilty of laundering his money, was originally from Ghana, and it is believed he has bought several properties there.

The police describe Mensah as having a prolific criminal past with offences ranging from burglary to drug dealing.

In 2001, he was released from prison having served four years for crack cocaine dealing and police believe he immediately set up base in the Swindon area to pay off previous drug debts.

Officers started a covert operation investigating Mensah in August 2003.

During the course of the investigation officers interviewed 170 witnesses and ended up talking to 48 suspects.

The first raid they carried out was on October 20, 2003, on an address in Manchester Road, where they arrested one of Mensah's lieutenants Ahmed Oke.

On November 7, 2003, a house in Purton High Street was raided where £28,000- worth of drugs were seized.

Mensah wasn't arrested until February 13 at a raid in Newport, following a raid on a South London address where a sub-machine gun was seized. Det Serg Holden said: "He always kept his distance from the drugs themselves and would use couriers and lieutenants to do the dirty work.

"I would like to thank all the members of the public who came forward as witnesses as without their bravery the court case would have been redundant. Special thanks needs also to go to officers DC Grabe, DC Howsego and DC Pitchford for all their work in bringing this man and his gang to justice."

The hours before his arrest

On February 12, 2004, at lunchtime Darren Mensah went to a house in Croydon for a drugs exchange with his courier Lucy Zerebecki.

He then drives back to Swindon, whilst Zerebecki takes the drugs back by train.

Zerebecki goes to a house in Queens Drive, Swindon to drop off the drugs with Mensah's lieutenant, Colin Page, who then takes the drugs to Michelle Foxworthy in Collingsmead, Eldene.

At 7.30am on February 13, 2004, Foxworthy receives a call from Page arranging to meet Mensah for an exchange at the Blues Caf in Havelock Street.

At the midday meeting, police rush in to make arrests, but a spooked Mensah does not have the drugs on him, and they are found on Foxworthy. He is later arrested in Newport.

Waiting to be sentenced

Awaiting sentence with Mensah, are:

Safe house keeper Michelle Foxworthy, 35, of Collingsmead, Eldene

Courier Lucy Zerebecki, 22, of Turnham Green, Freshbrook

Lieutenant Jason Mensah, 28, of no fixed abode

Lieutenant Ahmed Oke, 28, of Watford

Lieutenant Colin Page, 26, of HMP Cardiff

Money launderer Barbara Esandol, 54, of Wallington, Surrey

Police are urging members of the public to help in the fight against drugs and they can report activity by calling the anonymous Swindon Drugs Hotline on 01793 528800.

Jamie Hill