Accident scene Picture Ref: 76988-34A WOMAN escaped with cuts to her knees following a car accident on the M4.

The accident happened between Membury service station and junction 15 at Swindon around noon yesterday.

The motorist was driving a Land Rover Discovery in the middle lane of the westbound carriageway when an articulated lorry pulled out from the slow lane, sending its trailer into the car.

According to traffic police, the car then careered into the central reservation and flipped over, crushing the roof.

The truck driver, from Lithuania, was not injured and only minor damage was caused to his vehicle.

Sgt Richard Moorhouse, of Swindon traffic police, warned drivers to be wary when overtaking lorries from foreign countries because they are usually left-hand drive.

He said: "Because they are left-hand drive, there is usually a blind spot in the driver's vision."

Lanes two and three of the westbound carriageway were closed to allow recovery of the vehicles.

Traffic queued back beyond Membury for more than a mile.

The motorway was re-opened within an hour.