Wayne RoseADVER readers have helped police ban thief Wayne Rose from his favourite haunts.

Following our appeal last week, more than 100 people called the It's Your Call hotline with infor-mation about the 25-year-old heroin addict, known as Crying Boy.

Their calls helped police persuade magistrates to take out an Anti-Social Behaviour Order against him.

Under the two year order, Rose, of Silverton Road, Park North, is banned from:

Entering Greenbridge retail park.

Entering the pre-cincts of the railway station.

Begging anywhere in the borough of Swindon.

The order was issued yesterday after Rose admitted two charges of attempted deception before Swindon magistrates.

The court heard how Rose went up to two town centre pedestrians and asked them both for £10, saying he needed the cash for a train ticket to flee his abusive stepfather.

He also admitted breaching a conditional discharge order, a public order offence, shoplifting and criminal damage.

On leaving court, Rose told the Adver he would change his ways.

"I will stick to the order," he said.

Rose is one of Swindon's most notorious beggars.

His tactic is to tug on the heart strings with sob stories, and he frequently bursts into tears. Besides the ASBO, he was given an 18-month community rehabilitation order.

He must also complete a six-month drug treat-ment and testing order.

Rose will be tested twice a week for drugs, and must attend an intensive course of rehabilitation.

Any breaches of the ASBO could land him in jail.

Town centre com-munity beat officer PC Andy Alexander called on the public to help police the order.

Tamash Lal