CARNIVAL season may seem a long way away but preparations have already started and more help is needed.

Trowbridge Carnival Committee is desperately in need of volunteers who can help make this year's flagship event the best ever. Committee member Maryrose Mantle said: "We always need volunteers and it is a fun way of meeting a lot of different people as well as helping to raise money for charity."

People can give as much or as little time as they like helping out in a variety of ways, from acting as stewards on the night and helping to transport the carnival royalty, to becoming committee members and thinking up with fundraising ideas.

Last year's event raised £1,000 for Trowbridge Hospital's scanner appeal.

The charity to benefit from this year's carnival has not been nominated so far and the town council is asking for groups to put themselves forward.

Anyone can enter a float in the carnival and it is simpler to arrange than many people think. Mrs Mantle said: "We can give them any help they might need. We can get them equipment such as lorries and generators. It can all be done in a day once you have your ideas ready."

In the run-up to the big day there will be many events in the town building up a party atmosphere that will culminate in the procession on September 10.

The next task will be to elect this year's Carnival Queen, Butterfly Princess and attendants, with the final decision to be made in June.

There will be a promotion day in the town centre on August 20 and at the start of carnival week there will be a country fair in the town park.

One of the most popular events is always the soapbox derby and this year there could be a change of scenery for competitors as organisers are considering moving the event from Castle Street to Mortimer Street.

The carnival route will also be different this year with the processions starting in Canal Road, but stopping at Bythesea Road, rather than completing a full circle.

For further information or to volunteer to help contact Mrs Mantle on (01225) 710915.