HOPES for a cinema in the county town were boosted this week as the regeneration of a run-down area took a step forward.

West Wiltshire District Council has agreed in principle to free up some land for the proposed redevelopment of the waterside area of Trowbridge.

As well as a cinema and bowling complex, plans for the site include a new library, parking, housing and shops along with landscaping to enhance the riverside.

The council has agreed the Court Street car park can be included in the on-going discussions on the scheme.

Chief executive Andrew Pate said: "The regeneration of Trowbridge as a vibrant county town is vital to the whole of west Wiltshire economy.

"We know what local people want to see in the town, and we now have the potential to deliver those aspirations.

"A great deal of work is still to be carried out over the next few months and I very much look forward to seeing more detailed proposals."

The proposals were brought forward under the Vision for Trowbridge, which guides development in the town centre.

Several small sites around the town are being regenerated under the vision and work is well underway on a £25m project at the former Tesco site in St Stephen's Place, opposite the land to be used for the riverside development.

Mr Pate said: "This council identified the regeneration of Trowbridge as a priority some years ago, and we have ensured the right partners have been brought together to bring about real change."

A more detailed report on the waterside scheme will be considered by both the district and county councils in the summer.