PROTESTERS have stepped up the campaign against a multi-million pound development in Trowbridge they believe will make existing flooding problems even worse.

People living near the proposed business park on land in Bradford Road, Trowbridge, are expected to turn out in force to oppose the application when it goes before West Wiltshire District Council's planning committee on Thursday.

Sarah-Jane Newbury, of Innox Road, said: "I hope we can trust our councillors to vote against it. England is supposed to be a green and pleasant land but soon there will be nothing left."

Residents in the area already suffer from flooding problems and fear an access road to the site, which will cross a flood plain, will only make the situation worse.

Architect Mark Blackmore, of Innox Road, said: "If you have a prolonged shower there is a problem and, in the long term, this would make it worse. I feel the development will eventually go through but we are going to fight it."

The developer initially submitted plans for nearly 10,000 sq m of offices and storage space last year but was turned down on the grounds of flood risk, access and development of green belt land.

That application is going through the appeal process but in the wake of a local planning inquiry, at which an inspector ruled the land was suitable for employment use, the developer submitted a second application.