COPS and robbers will be the theme of a talent show aiming to educate as well as entertain.

This year's Starry Eyes show will continue the success the talent project has already achieved in cutting crime on one of the most deprived estates in Trowbridge.

Organiser Sally Boyle said: "We have an idea for the show which could highlight all the efforts of crime prevention in our community and help with problems such as anti-social behaviour.

"This theme will also help our young ones look at the law in an entertaining and enjoyable light, and could possibly help to educate them about the problems and the efforts being made to combat them in their own communities."

Mrs Boyle is hoping to encourage organisations involved in crime prevention and detection to play a part in the show, including Crimestoppers, the Citizen's Advice Bureau, drugs and alcohol advice organisations and security firms.

Starry Eyes has already received accolades from the Guinness Trust housing association and earned the praise of police for its work in giving young people, many from the Longfield estate, something positive to put their efforts into. The Guinness Trust has used the project in a film as an example of what can be achieved within a community.

A spokesman for the trust said: "They have done some really good work. I have never witnessed anything so good, it is a real community with so many positive people with such positive energy, this is what it is all about."

The police credited the project with helping to reduce levels of crime and anti-social behaviour on the estate last year.

Starry Eyes offers adults and children the chance to explore any part of entertainment they are interested in, including singing, dancing, acting and back stage work.

This year's show, likely to be held in the Civic Hall, promises to be a lively mix of law enforcement themed music, from Bugsy Malone to Gansta Rap.

Organisers are asking any groups who would like to be involved, by taking part or just having an information stand, to come forward. The show is scheduled to take place in the first week of October.

Further information is available from Sally Boyle on (01225) 763720.