A RAPIST who subjected a young mother to a series of terrifying assaults has had his sentence increased to nine years.

Labourer Justin Phipps, 32, of Westfield Road, Trowbridge, was jailed for seven years at Swindon Crown Court in November after being found guilty of three rapes and three counts of causing actual bodily harm. Lawyers with the Crown Prosecution Service referred the case to the Attorney General as they felt the sentence was unduly lenient.

Three law lords at the Court of Appeal in London, including the UKs most senior judge Lord Chief Justice Woolf, increased Phipp's sentence by a further two years on Tuesday.

Phipps' victim, a mother of one, said at the time of sentencing the attacks had scarred her for life.

She said: "The memories of what he has done will always be there. Even if I die aged 90 they will still be there."

Case officer Detective Constable Paul Clifford said: "Domestic violence involving serious sexual assaults are serious matters and we feel this is justly reflected in the sentence set by the Lord Chief Justice."