16905CCTV operators who helped catch robbers and burglars have received an award for their efforts.

Andrea Cole, 32, and Andrew Kennon, 30, were presented with certificates marking their achievements at Trowbridge police station on Wednesday.

Inspector Glynn Hookings, of Trowbridge police, said: "We are giving the certificates to these two operators in recognition to their work to make Trowbridge a safer place to be."

Ms Cole has worked as a CCTV operator in the town for a year and said they work very much in partnership with the police.

She noticed several people acting suspiciously around cashpoints in the town centre and reported them to the police.

When arrests were made stolen property was recovered that belonged to two victims of a robbery in the town centre.

Ms Cole said: "It is a good feeling that you have helped someone who has been robbed. It is nice knowing there are people out there looking out for your well-being."

Mr Kennon helped police catch two men who were caught acting suspiciously at cashpoints and, it turned out, were burglars trying to use cards they had just stolen.

He said: "The cameras are there for people's own protection. They won't ever stop crime but they might make people think twice."

The cameras are on 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are constantly monitored.