ROYAL well-wishers who turned out to watch the big wedding were stunned when a man from west Wiltshire hugged and kissed the new bride.

David Dudley, 72, from Hilperton, was spotted in the crowd by HRH the Duchess of Cornwall and the pair shared a warm embrace moments after the service. Mr Dudley, who lives in Horse Road, first met the Duchess in 1995, when he visited her at her home in Reybridge.

"Long ago, when she was portrayed as a baddie, I thought it was grossly unfair so I went to see her on my bicycle," he said.

"She only lived about 10 miles away. She just asked me to come in and I got to know her and thought she was nice. I've been friends with her ever since."

Mr Dudley said he had met the Duchess on a number of occasions since, leading to him being recognised in the crowd.

"She saw me and said 'Hello David' and gave me a kiss," he said.

Royal TV correspondents were left stunned by the move, claiming it was a rare sight to see a member of the Royal Family embracing a member of the public.