Annette Collins, 45A WOMAN branded ugly by a bungling financial services worker is seeking legal advice.

Annette Collins, 45, of Shearman Street, pictured left, was left in floods of tears an employee from Trowbridge firm Welcome Financial Services labelled her ugly in a remark to a colleague, not realising he was connected to her answerphone.

She told the Wiltshire Times this week she is now having problems sleeping and has been prescribed anti-depressants.

She said: "I have been off work because of all this. I can't sleep and I am back on anti-depressants after coming off them eight months ago. Every time I turn my light off at night the last thing I hear is that message going around my head."

Mrs Collins has received support from family and friends and since her story appeared in last week's Wiltshire Times and complete strangers have given her their best wishes. She said: "I have had a few people come up to me in town saying there is nothing wrong with the way I look, which is really sweet."

Welcome Financial Services is still investigating the complaint.