27965/3PROTESTORS are angry that a report on a proposed 500-home housing estate has left out their views.

The Paxcroft Action Lobby submitted a booklet containing detailed analysis and formal objections to the planning application by Persimmon Homes to develop land south of the existing Paxcroft Mead estate, but the group's objections have been left out of the officer's report to West Wiltshire District Council's planning committee.

Chris Watkins, of PAL, said: "We have tried our utmost to be professional and not to bombard the officers with hundreds of submissions, all saying similar things.

"Instead, we have pooled our efforts into one professional document and hand-delivered it to the officers. For them to ignore this submission would be scandalous."

The officer's report claims the documents were received but did not contain accreditation details or contact names.

District council spokesman Louise Knox said the council received a letter from PAL stating a more detailed document would follow, but when the document arrived it had nothing confirming where it had come from.

A letter was sent to the person who had originally contacted the council but a reply was never received.

Miss Knox said: "We can't just make an assumption about where something has come from. The important thing in getting the agenda out in the required time was that we acknowledged we had received the document.

"We have now received accreditation and the information will be made available to members on the night."

The pressure group, consisting of local residents, objects to the development on the grounds of road safety and increased traffic.

They believe the road network serving the development will increase traffic in residential areas and create a safety hazard both within the development itself and in the existing Paxcroft Mead estate.

Hilperton Parish Council has also objected to the plan, but the Highways Authority has raised no objections.

The plan is due to go before councillors on the planning committee on Thursday, when objectors will have the chance to voice their protests.

Officers have recommended it be permitted subject to conditions, then referred to the First Secretary of State.