UP to 15,000 Wiltshire pensioners are missing out on extra benefits because they don't know they are entitled to them.

It is believed that some find the system too complicated or they may think of benefits as charity instead of an entitlement and don't want to claim.

Age Concern Wiltshire, with help from Community First, has set up a new project to investigate the barriers to claiming benefits.

The Benefit Take Up project aims to increase the amount of benefits claimed in Wiltshire.

The project has seen representatives from community groups taking part in a session that looked at all the ways in which people living in isolated rural areas could be reached and encouraged to take up benefits.

Emily Cole, Benefits Take Up project worker, will be pleased to give talks and presentations about the project to local groups.

She and her team are available to visit people on an individual basis for benefits checks and to help fill in any necessary forms.

Emily can be contacted on 01380 735500 to arrange a talk or a visit.