Shop assistant Ruth Volanti Picture Ref: 76990-70POLICE have launched a blitz on yobs who have been terrorising shoppers in Moredon.

A stretch of Purton Road is the latest area of town to be covered by a dispersal order, which comes into effect today.

Around 60 louts regularly congregate outside a stretch of shops, swearing at customers and pestering them to buy booze.

The situation has got so bad that many elderly folk have admitted they are too scared to use the shops at night.

Graham Wood, 55, who runs Moredon Stores, is appaled by the anti-social behaviour of the youngsters .

He has been forced to shut early on five occasions in the past two weeks because customers have simply not been able to get into the shop.

"They spit, swear and use the most filthy language," he said.

"It's awful for customers and my staff.

"It affects my business but I also provide utility services which people need.

"During the winter, one elderly lady wouldn't come into the shop to top up her electricity key and spent the night in the dark. That's just disgusting."

Dispersal orders allow police to break up gangs of troublemakers, and officers say they have been effective in several parts of town.

Under the rules of the order, anyone who refuses to leave faces arrest and unaccompanied children under-16 can be taken home after 9pm.

Insp Willie Glasgow, who is in charge of policing north and West Swindon, is confident the new order will crack the problem.

"Without a doubt, these are very effective and a brilliant way of improving the quality of life," he said.

"We realise that they could send the problem elsewhere but in our experience it has been significantly reduced.

"It's absolutely outrageous that businesses are closing early and pensioners are too scared to go to the shops."

The order also covers Moredon Community Centre, and runs for six-months.

Anyone who knows the ringleaders of the gang should grass them up to the It's Your Call anti-yob hotline.

Tamash Lal