Michael Brightman with his young son George Picture Ref: 77000-04A PUB that may have the most patriotic name in the country is helping to promote England's national day.

On Wednesday Rex Barnett, a retired sales manager from Greenmeadow, called on people around Swindon to make more of St George's Day.

It seems his call has not fallen on deaf ears.

The owner of the Patriot Arms in Chiseldon is holding a mini festival of English fare to ensure St George's Day is celebrated with as much enthusiasm as the Scots, Welsh and Irish have for their own national days.

Michael Brightman, 39, has been in charge at the Patriot Arms for six years.

He said: "We should celebrate the day more, St George is our patron saint. I think most people are patriotic at heart, but just don't think to mark the day in any way.

"This pub is a very patriotic place, because of the name. It's the only Patriot Arms in the country.

"We think the change was changed from New Inn in 1881 because of a general feeling of patriotism at the time, and also because this was the place where people could take the King's shilling and join up for the army."

Michael runs the pub with his wife Jo, 35. They have a three-year-old boy, George.

Before turning his hand to the life of the publican he worked as a general manager for a bingo company in Swindon.

Michael decided that because this year St George's Day falls at a weekend, it would be the ideal opportunity to celebrate.

The pub is holding a special mini-festival of traditional English real ales, and a range of classic English dishes.

But Michael's patriotism is not reserved for one weekend a year.

He said: "We only ever serve British meat anyway, which is something we are very proud of.

"But on St George's Day we will only be serving English meat. We can be sure of that because we have very close links with our butchers, Berry's in Wroughton."

Among the English classics will be steak and kidney pudding, lamb chump chops, topside of beef, bangers and mash, and fish, chips and peas.

Puddings will include bread and butter pudding and spotted dick.

The classic English ales include London Pride, Bombardier and Spitfire.

Michael says his customers think it's a great idea.

He said: "Some are surprised we are doing this, but they all seem to be supportive of the idea."