Sara Pryke training for the London Marathon Picture Ref: 76676-48GET FIT FOR '05: SARA Pryke is limbering up to run the London Marathon on Sunday.

The 38-year-old complementary therapist, from West Swindon, has been training hard for the 26-mile event with the help of the Evening Advertiser.

Sara is one of our 12 Get Fit For '05 candidates, who vowed to improve their lifestyles in January.

Her efforts have been slightly marred by a hip injury but she's still determined to cross the finish line in good time.

She said: "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I aim to finish in five and a half hours."

That would be a personal best because she completed the race in 5hr 43min in 2003 and 5hr 45min in 2002.

Last weekend Sara finished a 10km run in Pewsey in just over an hour, and she hopes to repeat the performance in London.

To prepare for the marathon, Sara's weekly exercise routine includes running four times, going to the gym three times and swimming once.

She said: "It all sounds very tiring but once you get in the habit it's easier."

Sara has yet to run the full 26 miles in preparation but she has managed 22 miles and apparently the adrenalin rush carries you for the final four.

She will have plenty of support from the sidelines because her husband, Keith, 52, and son, Daniel, 11, are going to watch.

"They are my cheerleaders. Daniel prefers going for long walks and playing tennis to running. But like me, he likes to keep fit," Sara said.

Sara has been sport mad ever since she hit 30. Taking regular exercise and eating healthily are now second nature.

"I think I got the fitness bug to keep old age at bay. It seems to be working because I feel great," she said.

"But sticking to your plan can be tough and takes a lot of dedication."

Sara's biggest dietary downfall is chocolate.

"I'm an incurable chocaholic. But I try to keep it in moderation," she said.

Before the race on Sunday she will be eating plenty of pasta, vegetables and fruit to boost her energy levels.

Sara said: "On the race day I can only eat jelly babies for some reason. I think the tension makes you lose your appetite."

Looking further ahead her fitness diary, Sara also intends to run the Swindon half-marathon in October.

She said: "I ran it last year in 2 hours 40 minutes. This time I want to shave 20 minutes off that. The Get Fit For '05 campaign is giving me the motivation to set higher goals."

As part of our campaign, all 12 candidates have received 12 months gym membership at the Living Well leisure club, in the Hilton Hotel, West Swindon.