Another candidate has come forward to contest the North Swindon seat. The other candidates, who were profiled in the Adver on Monday, are Mike Evemy (Lib Dem), Andy Newman (Socialist Unity), Robin Tingey (UKIP, Justin Tomlinson (Con) and Michael Wills (Lab). The closing date for nominations is April 19.

Ernie Reynolds, Independent, 74. Lives with his partner, has three children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Retired.

AT the age of 74 Ernie Reynolds is making his political debut.

But he has been promoting his idea namely to abolish money for decades.

"Basically I don't believe in the system we have got but I do believe in people," he says.

"The political system just tells the people of this country what they should be doing and how they should be doing it.

"If there was no money attached to it then the criteria would be how do we use our resources for the good of the country. I have been trying to promote it since I was in my early 20s but I didn't get much response.

"Now I think times are changing. I've got a website www.abolishmoneynow. com so my views are more accessible.

"So many people, especially young people, have no interest in voting but I think if they looked at my views they might be interested."