Pickards Field Allotment is threatened with closure Picture Ref: 76992-9ALLOTMENT holders are worried they could lose their treasured plots.

Labour councillors from the Western, Gorse Hill and Pinehurst wards have told them the allotments at Pickard's Field, Rayfield Grove, could be used as development ground.

They will hold a public meeting tonight to discuss the future.

Coun Des Moffat (Western ward) said: "There are no precise development or road plans but there are plans to mark it for a developer.

"All three Western Ward councillors are completely opposed to the disposal of any allotments."

Galati Camelo, of Omdurman Street, has had an allotment patch at Pickard's Field for 42 years.

The 70-year-old said: "There's a lot of land here which the council want.

"We want to stay here. We don't want to have to move to another allotment. I like having a few hours here every day to meet my friends and do some work.

Jim Womble, 80, of David Stoddart Gardens said: "The council want this land because they are short of money."

Gavin Calthrop, a spokesman for the council said: "Swindon Borough Council has not organised a public meeting.

"The council will be looking at all options for all allotments this year and will then consult with local people."

There are 193 allotment patches at Pickard's Field, which cover 3.4 hectares.