A LIFELINE bus service to Chiseldon, which was facing the axe, has been given a last-minute reprieve.

Residents swung into action after Stagecoach announced it was pulling out of the number 70 service, which links Swindon, Marlborough and Chiseldon, from the end of May.

The company blamed the move on council budget cutbacks, which it claimed would lose the firm around £100,000 a year in revenue, making the daytime service unviable.

But now just two days after Chiseldon residents presented a petition to Swindon Council calling for the service to be saved a deal has been struck.

Swindon Council and Wiltshire County Council have reached an agreement which will protect the service until the end of August.

Stagecoach will continue to operate service 70 on the existing timetable until August 28, with the two councils paying a total of £10,500 to keep it going.

Swindon Council says tendering for the service will take place in the summer.

Coun Jemima Milton, cabinet member for environment and property, said: "We recognised quickly that a reduced service would have a huge impact on local people's lives and together with our colleagues at Wiltshire County Council have safeguarded the service.

"I am disappointed we have been forced to intervene and look forward to the retendering process securing an operator who will maintain the service."

Ian Manning, MD of Stagecoach in the West Country, said he was happy that the councils had brokered a deal.

But he said: "I didn't want this to become political but we plan to run for the re-tender in August."

Kathleen Poynter, one of the campaigners behind this week's petition, said: "This is not a permanent solution and I plan to continue to campaign until there is that permanent solution."

Catherine Bampton, another campaigner, said she was glad the bus service was safe until August.

But she claimed the problem was down to political wranglings between Swindon Council and Wiltshire County Council.

The number 70 service provides 16 of the 27 daily buses between Swindon and Marlborough, and stops at Swindon's Great Western Hospital.

Anthony Osborne