AS one approaching 80 I have been notified that my pension is to be increased by 25p a week, and I thought I would ask the other over 80s how on earth am I going to use it?

Left school at 14, worked for 61 years (with three and a half out to fight for my country), retired for the last five years and I receive an extra 25p a week.

The mind boggles at the thought of such generosity. Now I can buy an extra half pint of milk.

I could ask the Chancellor to re-invest it in the public purse to ensure that MPs pay and pensions are added. But realistically there are two options open, one scrap it on the grounds that the admin on such a sum must far outweigh the payment, or two in this election year, when people will promise the earth to be elected, increase the payment to an amount that would make a difference to an over 80 year old.

As I intend sending a copy of this letter to the Chancellor as well as the Adver letter page, I have now spent my first two weeks' increase on stamps. I shall have to stop being such a spendthrift.

