In an imposing building, located on the east side on Manhattan, diplomacy reigns supreme. Within the hallowed corridors and halls of the United Nations headquarters, global crises are addressed and hopefully averted.

One poorly chosen word can destroy hours of tense negotiation.No one appreciates this more than the language-savvy interpreters, who face the daunting challenge of conveying the intentions of world leaders from their soundproof booths high above the main hall.

Sydney Pollack's taut and intelligent thriller is the first film to be granted inside access to the UN building, where a deadly game of cat and mouse plays out against the backdrop of compromise and rhetoric.

Silvia Broome (Kidman) is a brilliant and gifted interpreter, working in the United Nations' headquarters.

Born in the southern African country of Matobo, she speaks at least five different languages, including the little known Ku dialect.

During a late night visit to her booth to collect her belongings, Silvia overhears a cryptic conversation: "The Teacher will not leave here alive!" promises one of the men.

At first Silvia doesn't understand the meaning of the threat until, the next day, she discovers that Matobo's treacherous dictator, President Edmund Zuwanie (Cameron), is to visit the UN to respond to accusations of ethnic cleansing. Zuwanie is known as "The Teacher".

Alerting her bosses and the FBI to a possible assassination attempt, Silvia is immediately taken into protective custody under federal agent Tobin Keller (Penn) and his partner Dot Woods (Keener).

Keller is suspicious of the beautiful and fragile interpreter and as he begins digging into Silvia's background, including her brother (Hugo Speer) and mysterious friend Philippe (Yvam Attal), he discovers disturbing facts that suggest a shocking ulterior motive.

With the notable exception of The Bourne Identity and its sequel, The Interpreter is one of the most thrilling and engrossing mainstream Hollywood thrillers in recent years.

Tightly plotted with obvious nods to Alfred Hitchcock the film expertly sustains suspense for more than two hours, building to a white-knuckle finale.

Kidman and Penn are magnificent, delivering emotionally wrought performances underpinned by a smouldering sexual tension.

Like when Silvia and Tobin stand in their apartments, on opposite sides of the street, talking to each other by telephone. "What do you do when you can't sleep?" she asks. "I stay awake," he replies.

Pollack marshals the various elements with skill, orchestrating one breathtaking set piece that unfolds with horrific inevitability. 8/10

By Stephen Webb


Starring: Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Catherine Keener

Director: Sydney Pollack

Certificate 12A, 128 mins

Showing at: UGC,
