Down in the Dumps Bin bags are still left uncollected on St Austell Way Ref: 77010-30DESPITE attempts to clean up its act Swindon Council still has its work cut out.

The council has apologised for the chaos that followed the introduction of the town's new refuse and recycling service.

But there are still residents that are not happy about the situation.

The Advertiser has received more calls from disgruntled householders who still have rubbish piling up in their street.

And they say sorry is not good enough.

As reported on Thursday, council leader, Mike Bawden, issued an apology to Swindon residents.

And, he said that all rubbish that had not been collected would be picked up within 48 hours.

But, at St Austell Way, where bags are stacking up, the apology has not appeased anyone.

There, the original refuse collection day was Friday.

According to the council's information leaflet the new day changed to Monday.

But, households have not received any information to tell them about the change.

Lisa Carswell, of St Austell Way, was confused to see a refuse cart driving towards her house last Monday. The 34-year-old is currently on maternity leave after having a baby.

She said: "I'm always up early with the baby and I saw them coming down the road.

"Obviously there was no rubbish outside because we didn't know the bin day had changed no one did. They just turned around and drove off.

"The council may apologise but they still haven't done anything."

The leaflet outlining the changes has not found its way to St Austell Way.

Mrs Carswell said: "No one is aware of these changes."

Worried that she would have to look at a mountain of rubbish all week, she phoned the council.

She said: "I was told by the council that it was Royal Mail's fault for not delivering the leaflets."

She then phoned on Wednesday again, to ask when the rubbish would be cleared.

Eventually, it was collected on Friday the original day.

Mrs Carswell said: "It's not our fault. None of us have had a leaflet."

But this week nothing has changed.

No leaflets were delivered and other residents are still not aware their collection day had changed.

Mrs Carswell said: "I can't go out and tell everyone because I've got the baby. It's not my job."

The rubbish bags are now grouped together in piles around the estate.

Mrs Carswell said: "There are a lot of children on this estate and it's not going to be long before the cats and dogs rip open the bags.

"How hard is it for the council to type a letter and then give it to the bin men to hand out. It's such a shambles."

Another resident only found out the collection day had changed when we told her.

Julie Johnson, of St Austell Way, was surprised to learn the day had changed and it had been left to the Advertiser to spread the word.

She said: "We have had no information.

Council press officer Sarah Deacon said: "We apologise for any inconvenience caused to people in this area. They should have been delivered leaflets via the Royal Mail and we are looking into why this has not happened.

"We would ask residents to leave rubbish out on their revised day of Mondays. Any rubbish put out on Friday on St Austell Way will be picked up by this evening (sat)."