Walcot motorist Kenneth Brown has admitted twice lying about who he was when he was stopped by police.

The 26-year-old, who does not have a full licence or insurance, gave officers someone else's details when he was pulled over while driving.

Brown first gave another person's name, address and date of birth when he was stopped by officers on Friday February 25 last year. He then gave similar false details again six months later when he was pulled over on Sunday September 4.

Now he could face a jail term after admitting his deceit before a judge at Swindon Crown Court.

Brown, of Shirley Close, Walcot, pleaded guilty to two counts of perverting the course of justice. He also admitted driving without insurance and otherwise than in accordance with a driving licence on both occasions.

Brown was released on unconditional bail so pre-sentence reports could be compiled on him by the probation service.

The case was adjourned to Friday May 13 when he is expected to be sentenced.

Simon Brenchley, prosecuting, said that inquiries would be made to find out what happened to the person whose details were given.

He said "This is a case where the defendant gave false details of another person when he was stopped on two occasions.

"The only information we need now is any impact these actions had on the victim and what happened as a result of his giving a false name."