Open letter to Mayor of Marlborough, Graham Francis - I would like to take this opportunity to restate how successful I thought the 2004 celebrations were.

At the annual parish meeting last week you promised to reply within seven days to letters regarding the auditors' report.

There are questions that I have been asked by local council tax payers that remain unanswered. As public servants elected by local people, we have a duty to answer questions regarding how we spend their money.

On behalf of the people who you represent, could you answer the following:

1. Do you agree that the terms of

reference for the 2004 committee stated that the financial standing orders and procedures of the town council must be adhered to?

2. What process was followed in order to select the company that produced the 2004 brochure?

3. What is the relationship between you and any of the staff of the company that produced the brochure?

4. Did you ever declare an interest with regard to the brochure production and if not, why not?

5. Was an official order ever placed with the producer of the 2004 brochure prior to an invoice being received by the council?

6. Can you demonstrate how you adhered to the best value requirements with regard to the production of the brochure?

7. Can you demonstrate how you complied with the minuted statement that the brochure would be sold at a price that would not make a loss?

8. Do you agree that by not going out to tender with at least three potential suppliers for the brochure, you exposed both yourself and this council to potential charges of fraud?

9. Would you be prepared to undertake a 'market test' to see whether the price paid to the producer of the brochure was fair?

10. Why did you never report back to council on the meeting with the Gazette and Herald, when they offered to produce a brochure at no cost?

11. Do you agree that at the time of the meeting with the Gazette there was no contract and no order with the company that produced the 2004 brochure?

13. Do you feel that your conduct in this matter reflects well on the image of the council?

14. Would you like to take this opportunity to publicly apologise to the council taxpayers of Marlborough for your conduct?

15. Do you feel that the honourable course of action would be to resign?

Coun R Allen
