TEENAGER Sarah Webster's recovery isn't going to plan.

The 19-year-old from Highworth is still undergoing treatment after an accident in Turkey last September.

Sarah, who hasn't worked since the accident, admits she is lucky to be alive after falling 30ft from a hotel balcony.

Both her legs and wrists were broken and her skull and cheekbone were fractured.

A recent four-hour operation to replace a pin in her right leg wasn't as successful as first thought.

Sarah explained: "The pin should have expanded equally at both ends to stop it moving about.

"Unfortunately, that only happened properly at one end. Now it's stuck. The surgeon is going to contact the manufacturers before operating again."

After the accident in the resort of Marmaris, Sarah was told that she would have to pay a £20,000 medical because the Post Office refused to honour her insurance policy. The underwriters said the teenager a talented horserider was drunk when she fell. No medical evidence could be found and following a call from north Swindon MP Michael Wills the Post Office agreed to pay up. Sarah, who is only able to get about on crutches, now awaits another appointment date.