A JURY has found Eldene man Craig Taylor guilty of carrying out a sex attack on a 15-year-old boy.

The 44-year-old indecently assaulted the youngster as he watched Power Rangers on the wide screen television in Taylor's bedroom, Swindon Crown Court heard.

The teenager used to visit Taylor because he was having troubles at home with his own family.

The jury of ten men and two women found Taylor not guilty of two other allegations of indecent assault on the boy when he was below the age of consent.

They are also considering four charges of sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice, which relate to a second boy.

The court heard Taylor met his young victim when the boy was just 14 and used to take the same route home as Taylor, who was then living in Welcombe Avenue, Park North.

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, used to borrow cigarettes from Taylor, but they lost touch.

They met again by chance more than a year later when the victim was aged 15.

The boy, who told the court he was mixed up, said he and Taylor agreed to meet again.

Giving evidence from the witness box Taylor, who has twice been convicted in the past for sex attacks on young boys, said the teenager told him he was having problems.

"He said he wanted to get away and I showed him where my house was," Taylor said.

"We sat for about an hour and he told me more of his problems."

The youngster then became a frequent visitor at Taylor's home in Stubsmead and would sometimes stay the night.

Taylor, who accepted he had slept in the same bed as his accuser when he was still 15, insisted he had never touched the boy until a few weeks after his 16th birthday when he said they started a sexual relationship.

The teenager denied any sexual relationship.

He said Taylor had made unwanted advances to him while he was still just 15.

He made a complaint to the police after a second boy, who is disabled, claimed Taylor had carried out a sex attack on him.

Taylor denies the remaining charges relating to the disabled teenager and the jury are still deliberating on them.

Jamie Hill