Lynnette New with son Benjamin who was hit in the Parade Picture Ref: 77043-50NINE-year-old Benjamin New was left badly shaken after being hit by a cyclist.

The youngster was shopping with mum Lynnette when he was thrown across the pavement.

He was just getting up off a bench in the Parade when the cyclist clipped him two weeks ago.

"My son was sent flying," said Lynnette, 27, of Penhill Drive, Penhill.

"The lad on the bike was about 17 or 18, and he did stop and apologise.

"Luckily Benjamin wasn't hurt, but he could easily have banged his head and been serious injured.

"It shook him up badly though."

Why illegal cyclists should be put on rack

Where is cycling banned?

The town centre pedestrian shopping area Fleet Street, Bridge Street, Regent Street, Canal Walk the Parade, Market Street and Havelock Square.

What's the penalty?

A £30 fine payable within 28 days.

Who will enforce crackdown?

Town centre beat bobbies and community support officers.

Why is it a police priority?

It is part of a push to make the town centre more attractive and less intimidating to shoppers. Other initiatives include cracking down on beggars.