Acting Sgt Stephen Harvey has the support of the community A CRICKLADE constable has been recognised for his work last year with an award at a ceremony.

PC Steve Harvey received the Divisional Commander's Certificate of Merit for an operation which resulted in the convictions of three men, and an end to a crime spree.

John Clifton and Neil Brooke, of Purton, were jailed for two years in December for a spate of burglaries on isolated farm properties across North Wiltshire.

They stole quad bikes, chain saws and other valuable agricultural equipment.

Clifton's father Malcolm was jailed for six months for handling stolen goods.

Insp Mark Levitt, sector head for North Wiltshire rural area, said: "Steve's local knowledge as beat officer and information that he built up helped us link the suspects with the actual offences.

"We were able to search various premises and recover quite a lot of stolen property and, with a lot of background work, were able get convictions.

"This was a classic example of a beat officer knowing the active criminals on his patch and having the confidence of the community so that they could pass on information about the offenders and the crimes. Because they have confidence in Steve a lot of people were passing information to him."

A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said: "Despite lack of evidence to arrest suspects, PC Harvey continued to make enquiries from newly reported offences and gradually gathered sufficient information to compile a conspiracy file for consideration.

"As a result of enthusiastic attention to these offences offenders were subsequently arrested and the case came to a successful conclusion at crown court."

At one stage the Crown Prosecution Service decided to withdraw charges against the three men, but PC Harvey continued enquiries, and on November 15 they all appeared in Swindon Crown Court.

The spokesman said: "His excellent work in these enquiries is to be commended."

Dave Andrew