SALTWAY School is due to close in January 2006. The land our school sits on is worth a fortune to the council, this land will be sold to housing developers.

The rent on mobile classrooms is obviously less than the money for prime building land.

Why do I say mobiles? Because there is not room at any of our schools for an extra 250-plus children.

I thought one of the educational advances that we have made is that no child should be taught in mobile classrooms and class size was a major issue, well not now!

The school's admission office is not helping matters by being very rude and informing parents that if there is no room locally then we will have to send our children to east Swindon.

Once again our children's education is second to the greed for prime land. Where will the families who will live on the new site send their children?

A political game is being played with Saltway School and our children (many of them will be in their Sats years) face disruption.

No one has considered them in this. Promises are made that our future generations are to be top priority, then whisked away when no one is looking.

What makes all this worse is that there are no answers for the parents, no room for 250 children and lack of communication from the council, who clearly just wishes to sweep it all away and make a quick buck!

Realistically another school will have to be built out here in few years, so yet again more spending, for us the tax payers. Just leave our school alone and build your houses elsewhere.


