LAST Tuesday night was not a good one for Swindon.

Two vicious crimes a serious sexual assault and a brutal attack happened at almost the same time in different parts of town.

While a young woman was sexually assaulted in a town centre alleyway, a father was being beaten unconscious just yards from his home.

He is now fighting for his life.

One week later and officers were out in force, searching for clues to nail the perpetrators of these two nasty but unrelated crimes.

Detective Inspector Ian Saunders investigating the sex attack is keen to get as much information as he can.

A 21-year-old woman was attacked in a shadowy passageway linking Elmina Road with Station Road.

She walked there voluntarily with a man who attacked her behind a block of garages.

Last night was a chilly, quiet night, and the roads were almost deserted as officers set out to try and find more clues to the assault.

They hope forensic tests on several items recovered from the scene will give them valuable leads.

But they are desperate for witnesses who may have seen the attacker.

"The victim is very traumatised, this was a particularly vicious attack," says DI Saunders as we head out of the gloom.

"It is vital we arrest this man before he commits further offences. We want people to be asking if they know anyone matching his description.

"Did that person come home excited or out of breath having said they had been out shopping or something?"

His officers questioned the few pedestrians they found on the streets last night.

Meanwhile, a similar hunt for witnesses was taking place across town in Penhill.

Officers were stopping pedestrians and motorists in Ramsbury Avenue at the point where a pathway cuts through from Chippenham Walk.

It was in this alley, clearly visible from several homes, that 46-year-old Clive Gowland was beaten unconscious with a piece of wood.

The attack happened just yards from his flat in Chippenham Walk.

Officers have questioned in excess of 500 people, but they fear vital clues have not been reported.

They are also still searching for the piece of wood used.

PC James Martin, who headed last night's operation, wants residents to wrack their brains.

"People might have overheard something vital, but not think it's important," he said.

"It could make all the difference.

"We have already found one very useful witness tonight who didn't realise he knew something which we will follow up."

Anyone with information about either incident should call Swindon police on 01793 528111 as soon as possible.

Did you see him?

THE suspect in the Elmina Road rape is an Asian man aged between 30 and 40.

He met his victim at the bus station in County Road, and the pair walked into the alley, where the attack took place at 11.20pm.

The suspect is 5ft 10in tall and of medium build.

At the time of the assault he had short, dark hair and was clean shaven. He wore dark clothing.

DI Ian Saunders said: "We need as much information as possible.

"Anyone who was in the area or driving past and saw anything suspicious should get in touch. Information will be handled in confidence."

Search for Vectra driver

Police believe motorists may have spotted the attack on Clive Gowland.

They are particularly keen to speak to the driver of a Vauxhall Vectra.

The attack happened between 11.15pm and 11.20pm.

Mr Gowland is in a critical but stable condition at the Royal London Hospital with serious head injuries. His family are keeping a bedside vigil.

Police arrested a near neighbour shortly after the assault. Michael Squire, 40, of Ramsbury Avenue, is charged with causing grievous bodily harm.

He is in custody.

Tamash Lal