The father with his son Picture Ref: 77064-91PAEDOPHILE CASE: THE father of a disabled boy who was sexually attacked by Craig Taylor said families should be told the names of paedophiles who move in to their communities so families can be protected.

"We need to know who these people are," he said.

"There should be a clear way of finding out. You shouldn't have to rely on the police telling you men like this have got these previous convictions.

"When I was young, kids who had been to borstal had a mark on their temple with Indian ink so you knew who they were. We should have something like that.

"There must be a way families and children can be protected."

He spoke of his son's bravery in telling of his ordeal and helping to put Taylor back in the dock.

The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons to protect his son, said: "We have never doubted our son and are extremely proud that because of his honesty and with the police's and our help we have prevented, in just a small way, other families going through the same trauma we as a family have over the past nine months by removing this individual from our streets.

"We would like to say to any children or families who are, or feel that they are, in a similar situation to us to come forward.

"It will be tough but the police will help and by doing so you will make the streets a safer place for all of our children."

He said that the trauma of the investigation and waiting for the verdicts of the jury had been terrible and had a massive effect on their lives. His son, who has learning difficulties and cerebral palsy, was still troubled by what he had been through.

And the family is moving house to help put the ordeal behind them.

"We cannot stay here as we are all upset every time we leave the house or sit in our garden."

The father revealed he was made redundant because he had taken so much time off work to be with his family.

"We have all paid a high cost, both emotionally and financially because of this man.

"We would like to thank DC Corin Dennison and DC Mark Wilkinson and their team and prosecuting counsel for all their hard work and support in establishing what we regard as the right result in the conviction of a very dangerous man," he said.

"Swindon Police have been fantastic. They have been there for us at any time of the day or night when we have needed support."

His wife, the boy's mother, added: "I am just glad that he is off the streets and we will be free of him.

"It has just been hell for the past nine months. I wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through it.

His father added: "If I had known about his previous crimes I would never have allowed my son to go and see him."

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Jamie Hill