A GROUP of Swindon veterans has gained national recognition for their fallen comrades from an overlooked conflict.

Members of the Swindon branch of National Malaya and Borneo Veterans' Association will be travelling to London tomorrow to see the unveiling of a plaque in St Paul's Cathedral.

The suggestion for the plaque came from the Swindon branch, and tomorrow's ceremony marks the successful conclusion of a long campaign.

Ian Hone, 62, from Liden, suggested the idea for a plaque almost five years ago.

He said: "Another member had been round St Paul's Cathedral and seen a lot of plaques there, but nothing relating to the Malaya Campaign.

"I made the proposal at our branch to find out how to get a plaque there and how much it would cost.

"It has dragged on for a long time but eventually it has come to fruition."

The plaque will be unveiled by the Duke of Kent and other dignitaries expected at the ceremony include the Lord Mayor of London, the Malaysian High Commissioner and Ivor Caplin, the Minister for Veterans' Affairs.

Mr Hone, who works as an operational support manager for a health company, said: "There are a number of people in Swindon and district who served in Malaya and many of them were National Servicemen.

"In fact I'm probably one of the few who were regulars.

"It's an overlooked conflict as it happened a long time ago and it's not really in the public domain."

Valerie Chalk, 64, of Park South, has been involved with the veterans as her husband Brian served in Malaya.

She said: "We'll be taken into St Faith's Chapel in the crypt of the cathedral, where the plaque will be unveiled.

"After that there will be a reception for us at Mansion House, where we'll be greeted personally by the Duke of Kent."

The Malayan conflict began shortly after the Second World War and continued until 1966, with hundreds of servicemen and women losing their lives.

A number of casualties were buried in Batu Gaja in Malaya, and a service is held there on June 16 every year.

The Swindon branch's research suggests that nobody from the Swindon area was killed during the conflict, but members have heard of a Swindon schoolmaster who died. But don't know who he is or whether he was a serviceman at the time.

Anyone with any information on the schoolmaster should contact the association on 01793 487500.

Dave Andrew