77042-22WHEN Lisa Cox was attacked by a teenage burglar in her own home she quickly found herself filled with anger for a generation which seemingly had no respect for others.

But a year on, anger has been replaced with pity.

Now, the mother-of-one plans to raise cash to help steer troubled young people away from crime.

Lisa, 27, of Bowleymead, Eldene, intends to walk the Inca Trail in aid of the NSPCC.

"I suddenly realised that this burglar was just a kid, and he probably needed cash for drugs," she said.

"Afterwards I was really shaken up and became depressed, but I'm slowly getting back on track.

"Now I just feel sorry for him. We need more counsellors to help these young people."

Lisa hopes the trek in Peru will raise £2,000 for NSPCC projects aimed at saving children from being sucked into the spiral of drugs and crime.

And she also wants to raise a similar amount for a children's trust in Scotland.

It was in April last year that Lisa came home from work to find the burglar who she reckoned was aged about 16 in her kitchen.

"He was just standing there with a crowbar in his hand," she said.

"I didn't know what he was going to do."

The boy hit Lisa and knocked her to the ground before stealing her handbag and running off.

He also took a holdall containing electrical items including her husband Stuart's PlayStation and a digital camera.

These items were insured, but Lisa was really upset about losing tickets to see her favourite band heartthrobs Blue at the Party in the Park concert at Lydiard Park.

The burglar was never caught.

Lisa has since moved from the house in Amber Court, Swindon, and has committed herself to helping alienated youth.

"A lot of children don't get the protection they deserve, they need more help and support," she said.

"It might not make sense to other people, but it does to me."

Lisa is planning the trek in June next year and she is organising several fundraising events, including a fashion show.

Anyone who can sponsor her should call 01793 321947 or 07813285272.

She is hoping local firms will back her too.

Tamash Lal