I WONDER why Swindon Council has moved from granting planning permission for a "a hospital only" a few years ago, to the present proposal.

This includes a university campus, 1,800 houses, a school and a business park in effect the equivalent of a new village or town (with a population approximating that of Wootton Bassett.)

There are several statements made in the article (Wed, April 13) which need challenging.

Planning consultant Mr Durrant tells us that we should "accept that change is inevitable." But not all change is for the better.

One needs to evaluate the advantages and the disadvantages of any changes that are under our control such as development at Coate, where change is not inevitable.

He also states that it is Coate or nothing.

It may be that bringing a university to the town would be good for Swindon but some might consider the latter to be the better option.

In most other university towns or cities, many of the faculty buildings and halls of residence are in the centre of the town. Siting the campus at Coate would put an added stress on the currently inadequate transport services.

Councillors must come clean and explain to the people of Swindon why this development is considered to be essential; and how they plan to cope with the problems it will produce.

