GAZETTE & HERALD: TWO rival gangs wielding iron bars and a machete clashed on a quiet Chippenham estate on Sunday afternoon, leaving three people injured.

The violent fracas erupted at Hill Rise after a long-running disagreement between two youths.

Ten people, were involved in the street fight, using weapons such as metal poles, hammers and a machete.

Six people have been arrested, but police are still piecing together what actually happened. The fight was between black and white people but police say it was not racially motivated.

A police spokesman said: "It is not our understanding that this could in anyway be described as gang warfare and although the enquiry is on-going we are satisfied at this stage that events leading up to this disorder were not racially motivated.

"It is not appropriate for us to comment on whether it was drugs related."

PC Emma Harris, at Chippenham police was one of the first to arrive at the scene just after 2pm.

She said: "When I got there, there were lots of people around but there was no disorder.

"After speaking to residents we started to find out a bit more about what had happened and started arresting people. That's when they started fighting with us," she said.

Two police officers received minor injuries. PC Dave Budd had scratches on his elbow and PC Joe Merrett was involved in a violent struggle and got a scratch to his face.

A hammer was recovered after police had gained control.

One of the individuals involved in the fight was taken to Bath's Royal United Hospital with minor injuries.

Three men, aged 17, 18 and 20, and an 18-year-old woman, all from Chippenham were arrested on the day and were released on police bail without charge.

Since the incident two more Chippenham men have been arrested, a 37-year-old and a 20-year-old, who was charged with possession of an offensive weapon and will appear in Chippenham magistrates on May 5.

An 18-year-old Chippenham man who is in custody for an unrelated matter has also been interviewed in respect of the Hill Rise incident.