TOWN are aiming to net 4,000 season-ticket holders for the 2005-06 campaign after announcing a price freeze today.

The club is clearly targeting those who pledge their money up front in a bid to generate vital summer revenue.

Town are losing around £750,000 a year and gates are almost 25 per cent down on last season.

Supporters reaction to the freeze has ranged from 'not unexpected' to 'disappointment'.

Director Sandy Gray said: "A season ticket works out at £15.65 per match which we feel represents reasonable value for money.

"When I first became involved in the club we had just over 1,500 season-ticket holders and that has risen to a figure just over 3,000."

Gray accepted that not everyone would be happy but stressed the margins at the club remained very tight and that looks likely to remain the case until a stadium deal can be agreed.

She said: "We have trimmed things as far as we are able to."

Chairman Willie Carson is also appealing to fans to take the season ticket route.

He said: "Over the past couple of years the number of season ticket holders has increased steadily.

"This is extremely important in helping to provide funds to the club, at a crucial time of the year when season ticket revenue is the main source of income.

"Obviously we are very keen to maintain the current growth of season ticket sales and I would therefore like to take this opportunity of asking every Swindon Town fan to think of the idea of introducing friends and new fans in becoming season ticket holders for the forthcoming campaign.

"We have set ourselves a goal of 4,000 season ticket holders and if we were to obtain this figure, it would help the club significantly both on and off the pitch."

News of the price freeze has been met with a less than ecstatic response.

Swindon Town Supporters Club spokesman Nigel Bennett said: "I think that's what was expected to be honest.

"I suspect the balance of opinion will be that matchday prices are still a little too high."

Tony Norris, chairman of the Swindon Town Supporters Trust, said: "The reaction has to be one of disappointment.

"I think there was room for the club to be far more creative in their pricing structure. Gates are well down and fans need to be enticed back."