GAZETTE & HERALD: NESTON Church was bound in a huge banner as part of a global campaign to wrap up world poverty last week.

The enormous ribbon, decorated by children from the toddler group, primary school and Brownie club was wrapped round the church on Wednesday.

It read Make Poverty History and was part of a week of action, organised by the Trade Justice movement.

They are calling for the Government to put trade justice, not free trade on the agenda for the G8 meeting in July.

Organiser of the event and supporter of Christian Aid, Trish Fallows, 55, from Brockleaze, Neston gave an assembly at the Neston school in the morning explaining to the children the principals of fair trade and the existence of poverty.

She said: "We realised we would never raise enough money for the people in poverty and we will have to change the trade laws for those people to survive."

Steve Heal, senior teacher at Neston primary school, said: "The children are enthusiastic about the fair trade agenda."