15930/4GAZETTE & HERALD: A VALIANT 75-year-old postmaster punched his attacker as he was being robbed early yesterday morning.

Richard Tovell, joint owner of Prospect Post Office with his wife Olive, was callously tied up and robbed of thousands of pounds by two men with a crow bar.

The couple have owned the post office, on Lypiatt Road for 25 years and were severely shaken up after the raid, police said.

DS Peter Auburn said at the scene: "Police arrived at 6.30am and Mr Tovell was very shocked and disturbed when they got here, and then he became quite angry about what had happened to him.

"He showed a lot of courage and he's a brave man."

Mr Tovell, who lives in Bellott Drive, Corsham had unlocked the shop as usual at 4.40am, ready for opening.

Two men with their faces hidden by masks rushed in and one bundled Mr Tovell over and grabbed him.

DS Auburn said when he was forced to the ground he suffered a cut to his left ear, but a struggle ensued and Mr Tovell punched his attacker in the stomach.

One of the raiders tied his wrists up behind his back with tape and demanded the keys to the safe.

At first Mr Tovell denied that he had them on him, but they were eventually forced from him and the men got into the safe, making off with several thousand pounds.

He was still tied up when the men made their escape but managed to free himself.

His distressed wife came as soon as she heard what happened and an ambulance attended but Mr Tovell did not require treatment.

The alarm on the safe sounded when the men opened it, but the residents living above the shop didn't hear anything.

There have been a spate of similar burglaries in North Wiltshire and police say this one could be connected.

Wednesday's newspapers were left on the wall outside the shop as Mr Touvell made his way from the crime scene and went home.

Many of his regular customers who had known him for years asked after him and wished him well.

Joan Atkins, 69, who has worked with the couple part-time for 20 years, said she was shocked by the news. "They're such a nice couple," she said.

"When things like this happen it gets a bit worrying, especially if you're in the shop on your own."

Cloria Crowley, 55, from Dicketts Road, Corsham, who uses the shop or post office every day said: "I've known them for 25 years.

"It's disgusting. You just don't expect it to happen here.

"They are really nice people, so genuine.

"I can't believe somebody would do it to them. Let's hope they catch them."

Another resident, who lives across from the shop, but didn't want to be named, said: "When we saw the police we thought the worse. It's worrying. You're always a bit wary these days now."

Police are appealing for witnesses who saw or heard anything suspicious around the time of the incident, including vehicles in the area, to call 0800 555 111.