BUSINESSES and fast food outlets should lend a hand clearing up North Wiltshire's litter to improve the district's image, the Chippenham area committee says.

Members of the North Wiltshire District Council committee took the opportunity of a review of the cleansing and amenities service to bemoan increasing levels of litter both in the town and the surrounding villages.

And members said their future role as a licensing authority could be used as a weapon in the battle against litter louts.

"Under new licensing laws we can attach conditions to make sure those responsible for clearing up litter do so," warned Coun Dianne Moore.

Coun Jane Scott criticised superstore Sainsbury's for allowing its site to become infested with litter.

"We do need to build relationships with fast food outlets and shops," she said. "If you go to Sainsbury's at any time the site is filthy."

Coun Peter Green suggested a new litter education campaign in local schools in a bid to persuade youngsters to keep the district tidy and put litter in a bin.

Coun Philip Allnatt was also concerned about the state of the banks of the River Avon, which are strewn with plastic bags, bottles, crisp packets and papers.

Fly-tipping was also highlighted as a problem with builders' materials and plastic cabling discarded in heaps on verges and in gateways.