STUDENTS at Pewsey Vale School and former pupils receiving further education can apply for cash grants to help with their studies.

The grants are made annually by the Doreen King Foundation, set up by the late Mrs King, who chaired the governors at Pewsey Vale School.

The foundation was set up about 20 years ago to help present students and former students receiving further education and is a registered charity run by a trust.

It can give financial help for the purchase of tools, books or specialist clothing or pay for travel in connection with the course being taken and can help with those embarking on a trade or profession.

Trust chairman Geoffrey Grindrod said the five members were always disappointed at the lack of applications for assistance.

Mr Grindrod said: "We do not get as many applications as we would like."

He said that although the foundation could make only relatively small grants they were still big enough to make a significant difference.

Applications for grants should be made to trustee Mrs S Collings, 29 Astley Close, Pewsey, SN9 5BD, before June 28.