Danika Schofield who won the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award in 2003 Picture Ref: 30449-3IN 2003 Danika Schofield, who battled Hodgkin's lymphoma, won the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award in recognition of her work with other sick youngsters.

Danika, now 17, who lives in Toothill was diagnosed with the rare form of cancer in September 2000.

In spite of this she regularly gave up her free time to do voluntary work.

Her activities included decorating the children's ward at the GWH and helping elderly people with Christmas shopping.

She was also a keen member of her school's year ten mentoring group, which helps younger pupils.

Danika, who is now a sixth former at the school, said at the time of winning the accolade: "I was quite surprised when I was told about the award. I don't think I have done anything big because I really enjoy it."

The award is a non-competitive award which recognises school students who work as peer mentors, fundraisers, young carers, school councillors, environmental campaigners, sports leaders or those who simply overcome adversity.