Lauran Cornock working on a quilt Picture Ref: 77074-12A TEENAGER from Swindon has become the second girl at her secondary school to win a Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award.

Lauran Cornock follows in the footsteps of fellow Ridgeway School pupil Danika Schofield who won in 2003 after battling cancer.

The award celebrates outstanding achievement made by students to their secondary schools and communities.

And plucky Lauran, 15, has certainly earned this accolade.

In spite of having been profoundly deaf since birth she has achieved excellent results in design and technology and regularly helps other pupils with their work.

Lauran, who lives in Priory Vale with parents Elizabeth, who works in retail, and John, a furniture maker, has recently finished making and embroidering a quilt.

She said: "I'm just really pleased. It was a real shock to get the award.

"I didn't even know I'd been nominated so it was a complete surprise.

"When I told my mum she was in tears."

Lauran admits that her hearing impairment has made school tough at times but the support of staff and other pupils has helped her through.

"It can be hard and you do have to work harder than other pupils.

"Especially when you are in class and other people are misbehaving.

"It makes you grow up quicker I think.

"But this is a really good school and everybody has been helpful."

Priscilla Lane is team leader for economics at the school and teaches Lauran textiles.

She said: "Lauran is incredibly hard working and very determined.

"She never complains or gets frustrated.

"Her textiles skills are excellent and she is very talented.

"She will also be there to give help and support to other pupils and to share her knowledge with them.

"She has a determination never to give up and to constantly improve her communication with staff and pupils."

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award was launched in 1999 and each secondary school in the UK can nominate one pupil every year.

So far there have been more than 7,000 winners from 1,700 different secondary schools.

Lauran will be officially handed her award during a ceremony at her school next Tuesday.

Her prize includes a certificate, a special lapel pin and a trip to Althorp Park to visit the Princess Diana memorial at her childhood home

Diana Milne