GAZETTE & HERALD: Councillor John Ireland claims residents are fed up with youngsters vandalising trees at Bremhill View.

Coun Ireland said the patch of grass in the housing estate is beautiful when the trees are out and not vandalised. He said all the trees on the land were damaged by vandals four months ago and only replaced this week.

Since then vandals have snapped another tree.

It is Persimmon Homes' responsibility to plant new trees but Coun Ireland refused to blame them.

"It's continually happening. As soon as one is put in then another's bent double.

"I don't blame Persimmon Homes.

"We need more police patrols in the area to stop this vandalism and I think the police are doing this."

Coun Ireland said the problem needed to be stamped out: "All the new people moving in think it is a disgrace in this modern day and age that children are running rampage like this and I agree with them.

"The idea of taking their names and giving them a warning is not enough.

"If they are over ten they should be charged with criminal damage and given the fright of their lives."