GAZETTE & HERALD: Playtime is over for children on a Lower Compton housing estate. Annington, which leases former Ministry of Defence housing, decided a play park on the estate was no longer needed and pulled down the slides at the site.

However, residents have reacted angrily to this saying Annington has been slippery in its manoeuvres.

Carla Marygold, from Gloucester Road, said none of the residents were notified of the plans.

She said: "We were hoping that the play park would remain and would pass over to the management company and be paid for by the residents.

"We feel they have run roughshod over us."

Mrs Marygold said the project manager had told her there is a park on the other side of the road at another housing site.

However, Mrs Marygold maintained this is not acceptable as a busy main road runs between the sites.

"This runs through the village to a recycling centre which is open seven days a week. We have no end of trucks and cars throughout the day.

"Sadly a child has already been killed on this road. Does he expect us to ask our children to risk their lives?

"We have a daughter with special needs and Annington has taken away the only bit of independence she had."

A statement from Annington said: "The land was in a state of disrepair and, although formerly a playground, contained nothing other than a swing frame without the swings and the remains of a slide.

"As the owner of the land, Annington took a decision on health and safety grounds to remove these objects and intends to construct new homes for local people.

Mrs Marygold dismissed this.

"The slides were still in good working order. The children had only been playing on them on Sunday, April 10 and the protective flooring had been repaired."