15899/1ALTHOUGH Devizes and District Link can rely on financial support from the community it serves, it is having a crisis of volunteering.

It was feared that the good neighbour scheme, which offers help with transport to elderly and disabled people in the Devizes area, might have to shut down for three months as a replacement co-ordinator could not be found.

The present co-ordinator, Jo Skinner, had given the Link committee notice that she would be taking three months' maternity leave, but as no-one could be found to take her place during that time, chairman Pete Cousins and his committee were seriously thinking about withdrawing the service during that period.

However, this week Mr Cousins said they had found a replacement. She is Vera Oram from Allington, near All Cannings.

Mr Cousins said: "It is a great relief but we are still desperately seeking more volunteers for driving our clients and to serve on the committee. We are looking for a chairman, vice chairman and other committee members."

The charity currently has 24 drivers on its rota to carry out the 200 plus requests for transport to hospital and doctors' appointments, social engagements and shopping expeditions.

Last week the organisation received a cheque for £1,500 from Mayor Margaret Taylor from her Mayor's Appeal fund. She said: "Link's work is of great value to the people who use its services, but it needs more volunteers."

Anyone who wishes to become a volunteer should phone the Link number (01380) 721775.