Year 1 and 2 pupils Mikey Nee, six, Ella Grist, seven, Jake Southwood, seven and Mia O'Sullivan, sevenSCHOOLCHILDREN have been learning about mental illness with the help of a Swindon charity.

Twigs, based in Cheney Manor, is a horticultural and arts therapy project for people with mental health problems.

Organisers and users of the service joined 40 youngsters from Years 1 and 2 of King William Street School to make textile squares.

Co-ordinator Denise O'Sullivan, from Twigs, said: "The event was special for the children and for people at Twigs as it was an opportunity to talk about emotional well being as well as make something beautiful together.

"The whole group decided to turn the panels into a wall hanging with pockets that the children could then put any worries or thoughts into.

"The idea was to show that it can help to talk about things.

"It was a good way of approaching the serious subject without being too heavy."

The finished artwork was presented to the school this week.

Twigs will be holding an open day on Sunday, April 24 from 11am-4pm. Visitors can enjoy the themed gardens and there will be live music from Nick Weaver.

For more information contact Twigs on 01793 523294.