Ayzee Hyner with her children Gemma, 9, and Callum, 8 Picture Ref: 77048-60A NUMBER of parents have written to us expressing concern over the closure of Salt Way Primary School. As talks continue over its future, mum Ayzee Hyner, of Middleleaze, tells Adver readers why the fight must go on.

"Here we are on the run up to the general election on May 5 and out of the woodwork come faceless people you have never heard of, making false promises that they have no intention of delivering once elected.

Robert Buckland, our local Conservative representative, is shoving his campaign literature through our doors. In it he bangs on about the importance of local education. How parents should be given the right to allow their children to be educated at a local school of their choice. He talks of expansion and freedom from Whitehall bureaucracy.

In the midst of all this hot air comes the revelation that our local school, Salt Way Primary, faces imminent closure. So much for your campaign manifesto Robert Buckland! And don't think the hypocrisy of where we have been asked to put our crosses by your name has been lost on us. Yes, our local polling station is Salt Way School.

The LEA has advised parents not to panic, that there are spare places for our children at other local primary schools. This it transpires is just not true.

According to information being passed on by these schools, they are full. Quite often inquiries are being met with abruptness and rudeness one parent even being told 'We don't want Salt Way children at our school'.

After confronting the LEA with these findings they changed tack, and parents were then told there were places available in the West Swindon area.

Perhaps Robert Buckland would care to share with us his definition of the word local. Local is not catching two buses to school every morning and two buses home again in the afternoon.

'Has anyone considered the financial implications of such journeys? Or how this will affect parents who have to get to work? No, of course not.

Garry Perkins, lead member of education, is quoted in the Adver as stating that 'there will be plenty of time to discuss things with parents and teaching staff'. Time is a luxury we have not been afforded.

Last week came the revelation that Salt Way was facing closure. This week at a meeting at the Civic Offices (at which parents were able to attend, but were not allowed to speak) the proposal for closure was accepted.

This week the cabinet seals the fate of Salt Way Primary School, and along with it the fate of 190 children, most of whom have been attending Salt Way since nursery all this in the space of two weeks!

Where is our time Mr Perkins? What is the point of discussion when the deed has already been done?

Perhaps Mr Perkins would like to discuss how our school has been sold from under us? Or maybe what is going to happen to our children's educational futures, which are now hanging in the balance?

The proposed date for the closure of our school is January 2006, when my eldest daughter, along with many other parents' daughters and sons will be halfway through their SATS year.

Did anyone stop to consider how the children are going to be affected by this? Does anyone at the council or LEA even care?

Exams are a stressful time at best, but with the added knowledge that their school is about to close and that they are being forced to move to another, how well are these children going to perform in their SATS? They are being condemned to failure. These children are our future and should be given every chance possible to succeed.

It is time we were told why the council is so intent on closing Salt Way. Parents are fed up with hearing about empty desks and the school's failure to achieve.

If these are the real reasons then the LEA should be held accountable, after all, is it not their job to make sure schools are run properly and efficiently? Why are the children the ones being made to suffer because of their ineptitude?

Why has no-one from either the council or the LEA made any attempt to contact parents with any explanations? Why are we being kept in the dark? Why was Salt Way's telephone number omitted from this year's Yellow Pages?

So many questions, and nobody coming back with the answers.

Is it because the council has already sold off the land which Salt Way is on and doesn't want to answer any questions which might incriminate them?

As a parent of two children attending Salt Way, I challenge the LEA, Swindon Council, and all of you political wannabes to come to Salt Way.

Look around this beautiful school and its fantastic facilities, talk to the dedicated staff and the children. Then explain to their faces why you are robbing them of their school.