WITH reference to your article in last week's Evening Advertiser regarding Lee and Justin on the roof top dressed as Batman and Robin.

I feel these dads who have exhausted all avenues in order to see their children are being let down by the system.

I understand there may be valid reasons to why some dads cannot see their children, however, this must not be generalised to those who really care and want to offer love, support and stability.

There needs to be guidelines set in place so that these fathers have that contact, and mothers can be penalised by the courts if they fail to implement this. All hell breaks out when the fathers miss or do not pay child support, so what is being done to help these dads.

When myself and my daughter's father divorced my priority was for her to see her dad as often as convenient to us all.

Yes, there was bitterness, anger and all the elements experienced in a break up, but at all times my daughter's well-being, the importance of her father's input into her life, were essential.

I would like to ask the mothers that are in that situation to take a step back and think what will those children think as they get older if they find you have prevented them from seeing their dads?

Lee and Justin were demonstrating how they felt, nobody listens to these dads.

Maybe keeping a diary or video which could be passed on to the children at a later date would be a good idea. Standing on top of the roofs can be a little dangerous lads!

