The recent letter from Steve Hulbert (Gazette, April 14) fills me with confidence, that I am not alone in thinking that all Chippenham, North Wiltshire and even Wiltshire county councillors are pedestrians.

I was thinking of proposing a giant referendum and a prize of great relief to all the Chippenham citizens at a way of easing their frustration on the traffic 'problems' that are invented periodically for us to enjoy.

The fee for entering would be just a £1 per name and you could enter the names of as many people on these committees as you wanted.

The objective is to locate the person in traffic planning whose village is missing its idiot.

The winner with the most votes gets to spend an hour in the stocks for their humility. That might make for more careful consideration of future traffic plans.

Naturally the proceeds would go to a suitable charity like the ones for children featured recently such as Lydia Cross, who have broken our hearts with their bravery despite the horrendous adversities they have had to confront.

To solve the traffic problems, go out to see those who are troubled by it. It does not require an Einstein to see that traffic does not flow it stagnates around Chippenham.

I feel better already having got that off my chest. Good one Steve.

Then of course we could talk about the West Chippenham bypass of the bypass.

Also, why did it take 38 minutes to travel down Malmesbury Road from John Coles Park to Oxfam on Monday lunchtime?

D Trow
