CHIPPENHAM NEWS: CHIPPENHAM played host to French traders in a bid to boost the town's ailing market.

Up to 40 stalls were set up in the Market Place on Sunday and Monday selling fresh baguettes and croissants, French fashions and wines.

The new link-up with French traders Bruno Mart was an attempt by new market owners Hughmark International to revitalise the town's trade.

Financial director Leu Hughes said: "I didn't think it was a flop but I don't think it was a rip-roaring success either.

"It was well received and well supported. It's down to the public, if they come out in numbers to support these events it will keep happening. I can only attract people here if it takes money."

Hughmark International was given power by Chippenham Town Council to charge rents and inducements to boost the market last month.

The town's regular market went ahead as usual on Friday and Saturday.

The new owners are promising an Italian market later this year.